What Were You Looking For?

It was a morning ride several years ago.  The sun was still considering it's morning plans. Getting to the Eastern edge of a large wetlands area I had the choice to take the path through to the Western side, or turn to start riding back.  Looking up, there was a low cloud cover in all directions.  Looking back East, it appeared the sun would still be able to show it's face before ascending above the clouds.  Realizing this could be a spectacular sunrise, I resolved to get across to the Western edge to be able to enjoy it more fully and take better pictures.  Sure enough, I arrived at the overlook on the West side a full ten minutes before sunrise.  I decided I would take pictures at the various stages so I could be artsy with them later.  Here is the first picture I took...IMAG0173.jpg

I was expecting to be able to get a picture of the sun lighting up both the field and the clouds in glorious display...Never happened.  6:18 was the official sunrise time.  Never saw the sun.  Somehow it got above the clouds without revealing itself.  

Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him. He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” They stood still, their faces downcastLuke 24:13-18

During this time, there was one other person sitting at the overlook.  During the time I stood waiting, she kept engaging me in conversation.  I was polite, but inside I was wishing she would leave me to my continuous study of the sky.  I needed to be ready when the moment came.  She pointed out some great views to the North and I took some pictures that are actually pretty nice, but they were not what I came for.  Finally, she got up and went to her car. 
This is when she got really irritating.  I was sure I saw the sky begin to change, so I had my camera ready.  I'm steadying my hand when, "honk honk" comes from her car.  I hold steady for a few moments before i turn to see what she was blowing her horn about.  She yells out the open window, "Look over there!".  I looked to the West, where she was pointing and didn't see anything.  I was about to smile and wave at the eccentric if not annoying lady when I saw what she was really pointing at.


The picture...not as phenomenal as the one I was hoping for.  The experience of seeing a double rainbow was far better.  "There's something you don't see everyday!" she shouted from her car.  "Have a good day!"  I could only wave as she drove off.  It was then I realized I never got her name.  I never heard one piece of her story.  Here, a complete stranger gave me a beautiful gift, and up to that moment I was just hoping she would leave.

Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, “It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon.”Luke 24:31-34

I hope I learned two things from this experience.  Even when you are expecting one thing, keep looking around or may miss something even better.  Secondly, never miss the chance to hear someone.  What in her story could have inspired me, moved me, somehow added to my life?  What could I have offered back if I had simply cared more about a person than a good camera shot?  The two men on the road were looking for a messiah, but they nearly missed him in the midst of their expectations.  I imagine when a stranger asked their story, the last thing they wanted was to share with a stranger.  
Somehow, the God who created the universe, designed the nautilus, and paints those sunrises is better than I am (and two men on the road to Emmaus) in the planning of moments.  I think I will leave it to him from here on out.  Has God ever disappointed your expectations only to surprise you with joy?



The Cover Up and The Crime


Worst Mustang Ever