Worst Mustang Ever


Yesterday I mentioned sending a text to a dear friend with a picture of a classic truck from the car show. I sent another picture to a different friend. My motives may not have been as pure on this one.I have always been a fan of the Ford Mustang. Sure, there are some stinkers in there, and they have never been the best actual car, but there is something about the lines and curves that have made me smile like a little kid. Add to that the beautiful noise they make and in my mind you have a winner.There is an exception. Beyond the mediocre versions of the late '90s, there is one era of the Mustang that I find...awful. Let me explain.The Ford Escort was the Focus of yesteryear. Not a terrible car, just a basic get around hatchback. I had a '94 just a few years ago. Aside from being at the end of it's life, still a decent little car.Then in the late '80s Ford decided to get as lazy as possible in the styling department and when shaping the new Mustang, they grabbed an Escort and stretched the hood. The result is in my mind (and most objective observers) the ugliest Mustang ever crafted.Several weeks ago, a friend and I were at a parade together and a Mustang club went through. After sharing how he's never been a big fan of Mustangs, he points to one in the distance and says, "Except for the Foxbody style like that one". At the end of his finger is one of those elongated Escorts with a horse slapped on the grill.His love of the ugly Mustang has been the butt of a few jokes since then. So as I walked through the car show and saw a nicely restored 5.0 Foxbody Mustang, I sent him a shot with the caption: "Someone apparently thought people would want to see this. I felt bad for them, knowing the only person who would isn't here."

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

God created people in a wide variety of models. Not one of them quite the same. Just like that Mustang, we were made on purpose. Truth is, though I may not understand the appeal of that car, my buddy does. He thinks they are beautiful. They put a smile on his face.Each of us was created to put a smile on God's face. He created us with purpose, each with a role to play in his great story. Sometimes it is easy to feel like an ugly Mustang, wondering what on earth I am even here for. God reminds me, and I hope he is reminding you today that you were lovingly crafted, perfectly designed, and equipped to fulfill the calling he created you for.By His Grace, For His Glory,Shaun


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