In That Case
Several months ago I visited a member of our congregation in the hospital. The unusual part about the visit was that she was visiting family in California, so my visit included air travel, renting a car, and driving an hour out to the medical center. There are many unusual things about California. I could probably write a book on the matter.Walking into the hospital, this sign qualified as one of those things:Ok, so come into the hospital to get better...but you may get cancer. Come to the hospital for prenatal visits...but it may harm the baby. Honestly, the warnings could be enough to keep you far away from the hospital if it weren't for another detail. I found the same warning on a bag of potato chips. Again in my hotel bathroom. In fact, everywhere I turned I found out I was endangering my life and my reproductive capacities (at 40, I'm done there anyway). Nice of California to keep me on my toes.Maybe you are like me and you have had people in your life who are like California warnings. Every corner holds a threat and every action is likely a mistake...for you. I genuinely believe these folks mean well. They desire God's best for everyone and assume they know enough about the inner workings of all things to know what it is. I love that heart to care for people.The problem? First, there is the issue of how I can completely fall into that role if I'm not really careful. Meeting with some young leaders in our church last night, I over-emphasized their right to tell me "no" if I asked too much, was pressing them outside of how God shaped them, or if they needed to refocus. I don't do anyone favors when they feel they have to meet my definitions to be in God's grace or to maintain a good relationship with me. Not healthy, productive, or Biblical.Second, when I allow those people to be primary influencers in my life, I am likely to succumb to fear rather than the boldness of the Spirit we are called to. While I try to always listen to everyone who has something to say, I can not and should not give every voice the same weight in my heart and mind.In 2 Timothy, Paul tells Timothy, a young pastor leading a church the following:
...for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control2 Timothy 1:7 ESV
As a pastor, I can be afraid of every eventuality, criticism, and challenge or confident in the power and love of Christ and have the self-control to press on.As a parent, I can fear every thing which could harm my child, or I can encourage them to live self-controlled lives in the power and love of Christ through the fears.For every role and moment in life I can make this choice. And so can you. Will you be controlled by fear? Will you in fear try to control others?God's word is so good to give us clear calls to a different life. Every page drips with God's power for a life lived in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Joshua told to be bold and courageous. Gideon called to lead in the strength he has. Moses told to rise above his insecurities and follow God's call. Elijah shaken from deep depression to fulfill his role in God's great story.May you love without fear today.By His Grace, For His Glory,Shaun