Render to Caesar
Yesterday my sermon came from Mark 12. Jesus is asked a series of questions, some to trap him, one in honest inquiry. I was thinking a great deal about the first question in the series, "Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" (v 14)It was a tag team question between two rival factions. The Pharisees who were highly religious and hated the Roman occupation and the Herodians who enjoyed the benefits of Roman governance and wanted to appease them. Normally they hated each other, but this question was one that benefitted both of them.If Jesus sided with the Pharisees and suggested that it was wrong to pay taxes, the Herodians could charge Jesus with treason and have him executed. If Jesus sided with the Herodians, the Pharisees could turn the people against him as a traitor and reduce his influence.Jesus picks a third option. Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.As I said yesterday, Jesus looks toward life. He acknowledges there is a real experience happening in the present, but that our deepest affections and alliances ought to be focused beyond those.It seems the need for distancing and special care will be with us for a while. I can understand why this is and will become more and more frustrating. My kids miss school (weird), I miss working with my staff and leadership in person, we likely all miss being able to shop, eat, and play normally. But these are the times to "Render to Caesar".Our leaders from both parties, and all perspectives, have been put in place by God to protect the common good. They have been given authority by vote, law, and appointment to do best for the common good. Their ideas may not be your ideas. Their decisions may not be to our liking. But as the church of Jesus, we have a call to pray for and bless them in all the ways we can.Should they issue a decree which calls on the church to deny Jesus, I will be first in line to protest. But as they ask us to voluntarily and temporarily sacrifice our liberties and conveniences for the sake of others and ourselves, we are obligated not only by law but as followers of Jesus in love, to do all we can to make their jobs easier.While we wait, consider the opportunities you have to serve those around you. Check on neighbors, call friends and loved ones, look for the opportunities to serve. Many kids in our area depend on the school breakfasts and lunches which are still being provided. Spring break is coming up fast and even though that doesn't change school, it does mean a week without those meals being provided. Help your local school resource center or food bank meet those needs.In doing so, we will find ourselves both "rendering to Caesar" and giving God what belongs to him as we care for one another.