Planned for Good

Genesis is a strange book. God keeps doing good things, people keep messing it up, then God does more good things. God planted a garden, people messed it up, God promises that evil will be defeated. God gives Noah the chance to survive a flood, Noah gets drunk and their family falls apart. God promises Abram a son, he tries to force God's hand, God still gives him Isaac. God gives Jacob twelve sons, he plays favorites until ten of them sell one into slavery, and God uses that moment to save the whole family from famine.Genesis ends with those ten sons worried Joseph will hold that whole slavery thing against them. His response becomes the closing bookend for the book of Genesis and a great summary for the book:1C455FEF-216D-4F53-902F-2FB2035C8B7BYou planned evil, God planned good.Exodus picks up where Genesis left off. Pharoah reaches the point of genocide and God raises Moses and frees his people through it. Truth be told, the rest of the Bible could have that caption.Through the Judges, the people turn on God again and again...God planned good.King after king in Israel and Judah led the people farther and farther...God planned good.In Exile and slavery once more they despair...God planned good.Then God sent his son, and his own people killed him...God planned good.I am finding this theme extremely comforting today. Our world feels like it has been turned upside down...God planned good.Every time I see a reason for despair, if I take a quick look I can see two reasons for hope.  I see the church shining all the brighter in the midst of darkness. Cooperation and connection between different churches is becoming a beautiful normal. We are all getting creative with new ways to connect even when circumstances keep us apart.As I read the story of scripture I find new hope for today. Because if there is one thing I know for certain, it's that God planned good.If you are able, take some time to check on your neighbors. Call a few folks you haven't talked to in a while just to see how they are doing. Invite them to join you at church (online) this Sunday. Let's look together for the ways God is using these days to bring good where our first glance only sees bad.By His Grace, For His Glory,Shaun


Who Will We Be?


Everything Changes